Notes on ‘Skirrid Hill’ – useful context and different interpretations available.

Here is a link to a site which makes it quite clear it is attempting to give some useful background information and to explain some of the allusions in this text. Use what you need but cautiously – you have to develop a full, coherent argument in the examination: repeating a few notes without a full, personal comprehension will reveal more about what you DO NOT understand than what you DO.

All comments must

  1. show how the words/technique, including allusions to other poems and/or poets, add to the meaning,
  2. discuss how your response to those specific words or that specific technique develops your personal interpretation.

CLICKSilkworms Ink – notes (not a full analysis !) on ‘Skirrid Hill’

Here is a review of the collection: this is more of an interpretation of what Owen tries to achieve: it is debatable and has strengths and weaknesses, and it therefore open to EVALUATION as the writer has selected material to ARGUE what he feels Owen is trying to explore or say. CLICKA Review of the collection.

Here is an excellent  ‘Wider Reading’ Blog, which looks at ‘Skirrid Hill’ – again this is an INTERPRETATION and is open to evaluation.

Take care referencing blogs in exam material – examiners  will be sceptical about blog reviews/criticisms as anyone can write one – you need to stick to recognised critics and recognised publications for referencing purposes but it is always useful to listen to other readers’ responses and to absorb them into your own CONSIDERATIONS, retaining and rejecting material as it informs/suits your own personal experiences and thinking. It is important to look at material which gives different perspectives as this will give you other positions to refer to or consider in your EVALUATIONS e.g. “It could be argued that ‘ … ‘ may be a reference to, be describing, evoke …. however, elsewhere in the poem it says ” … ” and this suggests it is more likely to ….  CLICK:  Another English Literature blog!

Englishbiz is an excellent website for examination preparation: it summarises ALL the key points/techniques students need to apply for EXCELLENT work. It also emphasises the importance of struggling with a poem on your OWN BEFORE you look at published or your teacher’s ideas, as this can often lead to repeating ideas you DO NOT fully understand yourself – which in turn can lead to flaws in your argument you are not aware of but which WILL be OBVIOUS to an experienced examiner.  CLICKenglishbiz

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